This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
Arnold Schwarzenegger Puts An Online User In His Place
We're pretty sure that after this one, this guy will think twice before disrespecting an entire group of people on Arnold Schwarzenegger's page. After an internet troll had the audacity to say the Special Olympics make no sense and then proceeded to call Paralympic players "retards," Arnie wasn't about to let that one pass easily. Celebrities are used to internet trolls sharing their terrible opinions and then walking off, but Schwarzenegger was determined to call this person out.
Instead of blocking the person or deleting the comment, he decided to put them in their place and to make sure this was a lesson not only for them but for anyone else reading the comment.
When This Software Engineer And Model Called Out Toxic Men
While there have been many strides made towards achieving gender equity in the world, we all know that we're still very far from where we should be. Thankfully, there are several people out there who do not tolerate sexism and prejudice, and this badass woman sure taught a bunch of sexist men a lesson. After a post was shared about the Victoria's Secret model and her programming abilities, some men clearly felt a little bit threatened.
After a few discriminatory comments, she decided to comment herself, to name every single skill she has as an engineer and programmer, and to close out by commenting on how toxic masculinity does no service for women in the tech industry.
This Business Owner Who Exposed A Predator
It's not so uncommon for people to be incredibly rude, to receive bad service in return, and then to write a terrible review saying things that are untrue about that business. That was exactly what happened to this person who chose to write that a tattoo studio didn't treat him right because he is a veteran. Thankfully, the studio's owner decided to step in and explain that as a veteran themselves, they had absolutely no problems with veterans.
What they did have problems with was the man's behavior who apparently disrespected a female employee to the point that she felt fearful and unsafe. Good for them for kicking this guy out!
When Ikea Literally Copy Pasted The United States Code
You know, it's always interesting to think about the people who literally sit behind their screens and decide to write something mean, or to troll someone, or try to embarrass a person. Unfortunately, there are tons of those out there, and while some of them get to do it without any consequences, others are thankfully called out for their BS right away. Take this Ikea branch, for example, that received an aggressive comment about the way they displayed the American flag.
To this troll's surprise, someone at Ikea had done their homework and decided to literally copy and paste the entire US code related to displaying the national flag to the comment section.
When This Person's Logic Backfired
The controversial conversations around vaccines are never-ending. There are several groups of people with different opinions about vaccines worldwide, but an overwhelming majority are either against it or for it. And while we love a great debate, whether we agree with it or not, there is something powerful about dismantling someone else's argument with their own logic. That's exactly what this person did when someone wrote that "if vaccines were healthy, you could put it on a spoon and eat it. Try it, you'll die."
So, instead of writing an entire argument against this, someone simply went ahead and substituted vaccines with broccoli, did a little play on words, and voila!
When An Anti-Vaxxer Pretended To Be A Marine, But Didn't Last Long
There is something so satisfying about seeing someone being called out for lying online. Not that we love seeing someone having a hard time, but if a person feels like they can blatantly lie just so they can make a specific point, then we're totally not into that. The good thing is that with the internet being so huge, there is usually one person or two who are always ready to push back.
This anti-vaxxer really wanted people to believe that they were a marine, never got sick, and had never gotten one vaccine. But someone picked up on the vaccine part, and exposed them for not actually being a marine, since all marines are required to be vaccinated.
The Logic Of Science Was There To Set Things Straight
Isn't it just wonderful to read or watch someone pointing out fact by fact, while completely proving someone wrong with the clearest arguments ever? This person totally rocked their explanation, in such a way that even those who don't really know what they're talking about can understand. One person was so sure about their claim, that they went ahead and said it publicly. But that wasn't all of it. They then went ahead and called people who disagreed with their claim to prove them wrong.
Sadly for them, someone had all the arguments up their sleeves that day, and they decided to put their terrible argument to rest in the smoothest way possible.
When John Carpenter Had To Expose Rotten Tomatoes For Killing Him
You'd think that when someone works for a company as big as Rotten Tomatoes, they would actually do their homework before claiming that someone was dead. But we're pretty sure someone was fired because they completely missed the fact that John Carpenter was very much alive when they made a post about celebrating his birthday in which he "would" be 70 years old. Surprised, Carpenter himself read the post and chose to not let it pass by.
He went ahead and wrote a comment that might have been one of the most embarrassing things Rotten Tomates had ever experienced as a company. Thankfully, Carpenter explained that he was very much well and alive.
Another Person Who Used This Anti-Vaxxer's Logic To Discredit Them
Here's the thing, some people will go to any length to prove their point. No matter how much evidence there is against what they're claiming, they will simply do whatever they have to in order to convince people that their way is the right one. This anti-vaxxer wanted to make some sort of point when they claimed that "Tide pods and vaccines share 15 of the same ingredients."
And while they thought they had just made a strong argument, someone was willing to use exactly the same logic they did to discredit them. They simply reiterated that humans share about 80% of the same DNA as bananas, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Sometimes It's Just Better To Stay Quiet
There is an urgent need for people to not say anything they have in their heads in order to get other people's attention. While sometimes that is taken lightly by other internet users, every once in a while someone will be willing to expose their lies and to call them out in the smoothest way possible. Take this person, who like many others on this list, woke up feeling like they needed attention.
They shared a story about NASA spending tons of time and money developing e pen to be used in space, while Russians simply used a pencil. But they had clearly not done their research, because someone just spilled all the knowledge needed to display this person's misinformation.
When Peta Probably Regretted Attacking Steve Irwing
The number of companies out there claiming to work for the environment, when they're actually just another pet killing machine is simply outrageous. But nothing beats this online user putting PETA in their place after the company attacked zookeeper, conservationist, and environmentalist Steve Irwing. Someone at PETA decided to tweet something about Irwin's supposedly flawed message about protecting animal wildlife. But thankfully, someone was watching them and was ready to slam their unfounded comment with some stats.
They replied to PETA's post by calling them out for their 80% and above killing rate, their $70K donation to a convicted arsonist, and their countless fishy decisions on how they run their company.
When Your Family Members Aren't Taking Your BS
Some people completely forget that some of their family members can see everything they do and say online since they either follow each other or are online friends. This person probably completely forgot about it, when they sadly tried to use their daughter's passing as an argument against vaccinating children. They were replying to someone who had argued that people who chose not to vaccinate their children were "stupid," and this person was quick to reply with a sad but true argument.
Unfortunately for them, a family member who knew their daughter's history went ahead and replied, completely exposing their BS to anyone who was willing to read the thread.
A Staged Pet Shaming Picture That Went Wrong
Believe it or not, but it seems like every time we see a pet shaming picture online, we might want to take more than one look at the context of whatever was posted. Apparently, there are several people out there who just need a little bit of attention, and so they will go to great lengths to get it. Even if that means pretending that their pet was "bad," and was caught in the act.
But someone couldn't help but comment and call this person out, by pointing toward the fact that the whole situation was obviously staged. I mean, which dog manages to open a zipper in order to destroy something?
This Person Who Was Exposed For Using The Bible Only When It's Convenient
Sadly, citing the bible when it's convenient is one of the most common traits amongst religious extremists. The only thing is that it all becomes really hypocritical when they cite one part, but then do exactly the opposite when it comes to other things. This person chose to write an entire online status condemning someone for getting tattooed when this was against what the bible teaches us. She then tried to make it all less aggressive by ending the comment with "It is your choice of course. Loving the Rock."
But it didn't take long until someone looked at her profile and realized that she had also gone against a few things in the bible, but she seemed to forget about it.
An Anti-Vax Aunt Got An Unforgettable Response
Here we go again... Another post in which an anti-vaxxer sadly used some interesting arguments to back up why someone shouldn't vaccinate their children or themselves. The only thing is that this aunt was pretty arrogant about it, and after their niece or nephew clapped back with a response, she just had to message them privately. Sadly for her, the 18-year-old youngster was ready to clap back once again, with some pretty impressive arguments.
They then screenshot the entire conversation and posted it online, probably pissing off their aunt even more. Unfortunately, though, she might have deserved it, especially after being so incredibly rude to another person, let alone a member of her family.
An Anti-Vaxxer With A Lie On Their Sleeve
Again, we'd just like to reiterate that everyone is entitled to their opinion, just as long as their arguments are not based on lies. Now, when someone lies about something in order to convince people about their beliefs, then things become a little bit of a pickle. But since the internet has an endless amount of information about people, for the good and for the bad, it's probably a good idea to take a double look before lying about something huge.
This person didn't do so, and when they lied that they became paralyzed from the waist down after getting vaccinated, it didn't take long until someone snooped into their profile and realized they were lying.
Mark Hamill Set Things Straight
News magazines have literally one job - to share truthful information about whatever their focus is. But it seems like someone at Heroic Hollywood was about to get in trouble after making a statement that had no foundation. They simply tweeted that Mark Hamill had called Zach Snyder's Watchmen his favorite movie when apparently, he hadn't. And it looks like Hamill wasn't willing to let that statement pass, though he is probably used to having random things said about him on a daily basis.
This time though, he put time aside to write it loud and clear that he did not say that Watchmen was his favorite movie.
This Person Smacked A Scammer In The Face
Scams happen every single day worldwide, and regrettably, way too many people fall for them. Now, although there are scammers who have become pretty professional at it, and rarely get caught, some amateur scammers are not ready for someone a little smarter than them. This scammer clearly had a bad day, because this person was so ready to slap them back once they tried their luck. Sadly for them, they chose the wrong person to mess around with.
After announcing to the person that their phone was being hacked, the phone owner was quite amused with the situation. So instead of giving in, they just played around with the hacker in the most hilarious way possible.
This Person Who Didn't Even Try Hard Enough At Spreading Lies
Seriously, we do wonder who sits behind their computer, chooses a random picture from the internet, and then shares it on their social media pages with a capture that is completely far from the truth. This happens more often than not, and fortunately, there are people out there who are unwilling to let this pass. So as soon as this person shared a picture and then invented a story about Germans abandoning their cars to protest the increase in fuel prices, someone recognized the picture right away.
Just like that, they clarified that the picture they were sharing was actually taken in a traffic jam in China, and whatever that person was sharing was a complete lie!
When R/Movies Wasn't About To Let This Person Shine
Here we go again! Another person who was simply dying to get some attention and probably didn't think about the consequences of their attention-seeking method. The person had made a racist comment on the r/movies' platform, which was deleted after some time. They decided to protest the fact that their comment had been deleted by claiming that 200 people had agreed with them by upvoting the comment, and so r/movies had no right to delete it.
But the social media manager at r/movies was ready for it, because they literally copy and pasted the person's racist comment, and made it very clear that it hadn't had any upvotes.
This BS Account Using Other People's Photos To Promote Their Product
Nowadays, it's so hard to know what is real and what isn't when it comes to online content. With tons of filters, fake products, and websites, it's simply impossible to tell sometimes if what we're reading is true or not. And by now, we all know how deceitful the diet industry is, especially for girls and women. Sadly, there are tons of brands out there promising to make someone lose weight in a few weeks, and even worse, they steal other people's pictures of their own weight loss journeys in order to sell their products.
But this young woman realized it and started calling out every single company that used her picture to promote themselves.
This Person Who Thought Africa Was A Country
There are a few things to unpack on this one, and we can't even think of where to begin. Is it the part where this person claimed that white Africans don't exist? Or maybe the part where they used a quote that categorized Africa as a country, and not a continent? The entire thing is just wrong, this person was so convinced that it was true that they spread their opinion as much as they could.
As soon as another user saw it though, they decided to put things straight and to call this person out for their flawed argument. Most importantly though, this person now knows that Africa is a whole continent.
This Anti-Vax Newbie Who Was Called Out For Lying
To be very honest, we're just trying to understand what exactly this person had in mind before they shared this picture and caption. Were they already anti-vax and so they wanted to make a point? Or were they recently "converted" and now wanted to share something convincing enough for others to believe? The thing is, that if they were planning to have a conniving argument, the last thing they should have done was pick a random picture from the internet.
But that's exactly what they did, and they got completely burned for it. After claiming that their arm had had a strange reaction after getting vaccinated, someone called them out for lying while using a random picture from the internet.
This Person Who Pretended To Watch An Interview That Never Happened
For those who don't know, The Onion is a digital media company known for its satirical articles. Whether it is local, national, or international news, the digital and newspaper company shares a bunch of stuff that is not always so true, but that usually attempts to make some sort of satirical point. But this internet user didn't know that, so they believed this news as soon as they saw it, and then proceeded to share it.
But when they shared it, they made sure to pretend that they had watched the interview, which had actually never happened. A few people noticed it and couldn't help but expose their lies.
This Uncle From 1978 That Never Existed
It's not a secret that youth lie, especially when they feel the need for some attention. But one would think that they would do a bit of a better job than simply using a picture of someone who knows them, putting a filter on it, and then lying that that's their uncle back in 1978. And the thing is that the more we look at the picture, the more we can tell that someone has clearly put on a filter on it.
It only took a little bit until someone recognized themselves in the picture, and called out their lies right away.
This Anti-Vaxxer Who Lied About Their Master's Degree
Well, this is just embarrassing. Again, if someone is going to lie online, the least they can do is do their homework before posting anything that is so far from the truth. Nowadays, we can just find out someone's entire background with one click, and that's what this online user did. They read an anti-vaxxer's post about how they were in hold of a Master's Degree in Science Epidemiology, and therefore, they had no time to discuss the subject with people who didn't agree with them.
Only they forgot to update the lie on the LinkedIn profile, and someone snooped in there just to make sure they had enough leverage to call their BS.
Keanu Reeves Shows Everyone How It's Done
While the pay gap in the movie industry is real, one might want to do their research and use a truthful argument before bringing this important topic to light. Unfortunately, this person didn't do so when they shared about Gal Gadot being paid four times less for her role in Wonder Woman than what Henry Cavill was paid for Man of Steel. Apparently, though, this argument had been spread online for a while, although it has already been debunked and proved to be a lie.
So when another internet user saw it, they literally wrote an entire lesson about how the statement wasn't true, and then shared some very cool information about Keanu Reeves.
When This Person Actually Believed That The Word "Am" Doesn't Exist
Isn't it just so hilarious when someone corrects another person by saying something completely unfounded? Seriously, it must hurt a little bit to be so sure about something, to share it online, and to then be called out for one of the most hilarious mistakes out there. By the looks of it though, this person really did believe that the word "am" does not exist, and called on people to stop using it and making the mistake.
Sadly for them, people weren't impressed at all and gave them a little grammar lesson right away. Someone even created the most hilarious meme to make the point.
An Anti-Vaxer Who Didn't Do Their Home-Work
It's a lit bit ironic to see someone literally using wrong statistics to make an argument for something they believe in. Again, the least we would expect was for the homework and the background research to be properly done before claiming something so big. Fortunately, we can fact-check things we're not so sure about with one click, and that is exactly what this commenter did.
After this anti-vaxxer shared some wrong stats about Costa Rican children being vaccinated at a 5% lower rate than American children for measles, someone fact-checked them and exposed their flawed information. It turned out that American children were the ones vaccinated at a lower rate than Costa Ricans.
When Instagram Actually "Fact Paged" This Person
Here's another typical example of someone who decided to come up with a random story when they saw a picture online. They shared it as many times as they could, and not surprisingly, some people believed it right away, and went ahead and shared it themselves. The good thing is that the more the picture was shared, the higher probability it had of reaching the hands and the eyes of someone who knew the real story behind it.
What this person was sharing as an abandoned wedding in the middle of the forest, turned out to be an art piece displayed somewhere in Belgium.
An Anti-Vaxxer Newbie Who Couldn't Find Anti-Vax Research
Now, there is something so incredibly ironic about this one that we don't even know to start. This person laid it out completely for anyone who wanted to read it. According to them, they had just joined the anti-vax club, and they wanted to focus on the topic for their thesis. However, in order to actually write the thesis, they needed scholarly evidence, but apparently, everything they found was pro-vax.
In desperation, they went online and hoped that someone would be able to provide them with some information around anti-vax research and evidence. In a comment, someone couldn't help but point the irony, claiming that if there was no research to prove anything then they might want to change their opinion.
When Science Automatically Wins
And we just keep on going with the anti-vax arguments that seem to make little sense. This person hilariously brought up something that many anti-vaxxers probably don't think about. One of the main arguments used by people who do not want to be vaccinated is that they refuse to be part of an experiment. They claim that they will not be lab rats for whatever science is trying to come up with. Now, that's an interesting argument, and we can understand why it may resound with so many people worldwide.
However, this person couldn't help but mention how ironic it is, that by placing themselves out of this experiment, anti-vaxxers have automatically become the control group.
This Person Doing Their Best To Stop Their Son From Getting Vaccinated
The great thing about adulthood is that we get to make our own decisions once we reach a certain age, which can sometimes be crucial for a person's choices over their bodies. This anti-vaxxer probably did everything in their power to convince their children and family members that getting vaccinated is a big no-no. Unfortuenly for them, however, their kid was ready to be vaccinated as soon as he turned 18.
In a panic, this person went online looking for the empathy of others, and advice on how they should convince their child that getting vaccinated was not the way.
When Anti-Vaxxers Want To Boycott Restaurants They're Not Allowed Into
One of the most complicated conversations worldwide in the past two years has been around the way certain countries manage their vaccination process, and the response they get from citizens. Everywhere in the world, there are people who are for vaccines, and then those who are against them. And while this policy hasn't been implemented everywhere, in some places, people who choose to not vaccinate themselves are banned from certain public places, including malls, restaurants, and gyms.
This has resulted in the boycott of several places, brands, and companies from the anti-vax community, with the claim that they should be discriminated against. In this thread, someone could see the boycotting argument coming through from miles away.
Jack Didn't See That Argument Coming
Poor Jack, we have no idea whether he was talking seriously, or he was just making a sarcastic joke about vaccines. Either way, there's usually always a response, and this time the response was pretty hilarious. Clearly, Jack needs to do a little more research around the definition of vaccines, as we're guessing he thinks vaccines are just a cocktail of different liquids that make people sick. Unfortunately, he missed the point.
One person, Omar, couldn't help but slap a response back that will hopefully inspire Jack to think a little bit further about vaccines, their purpose, and the way they are made.
This Person Might Want To Pay For This Next Time
Okay, so there's no evidence that this person stole this pair of pants, but if they did, then the audacity of posting it online is just a whole other level. Apparently, they still had the electronic don't-steal-o-meter when they got home, and while this may have just been a mistake from the cashier, it could also not be. So when she posted this on Twitter, asking other users for some advice on how to remove it, she just had to know that somehow she was going to get burned, and that's exactly what happened.
Someone had the sass to not even bother to write a long response. After they saw her post, they literally just wrote "pay."
Is This The Best Roommate Ever?
Roommates absolutely love to make fun of each other, and this particular roommate might have just won the award for the cheekiest present ever. Apparently, his roommate has been getting hangovers for years, and as a surprise, he has been collecting pictures of him while sleeping completely hungover just to make a collage. After collecting a decent number of pictures, he just went ahead and did a huge collage of some of the best and most iconic photos of his hungover roommate.
The present is certainly one that he will always remember, as it serves as a testament to those embarrassing college years. Best friend ever!
This Girl Was Ready To Burn A Judgemental Parent
This girl was not playing around when she realized that she had to stand up for her brother, even if that meant burning the little boy's dad publicly online! Apparently, the 4-year-old boy wanted a Princess Peach cake for his birthday, so his mother got him one. And even better, she shared her decision online and slapped gender roles on everyone's face. But sadly, some people weren't ready for it, including the little boy's dad who commented "that's just wrong."
Luckily, the little boy's older sister was ready to clap back and if that meant that she was out for blood then she was cool with that. Let's be honest, her response was nothing less than iconic.
This Person Just Asked Gordon Ramsay To Roast Them
If you've watched Gordon Ramsay in any show, then you know that the chef does not miss an opportunity to roast someone. If he gets to do it publicly then it's even better! So of course, when this person shared whatever this terrible meal looks like, and then asked Ramsay to rate it, they must have known that if Ramsay actually got to it then the response would be fiery. And Ramsay did not disappoint.
As soon as he saw the poor animal he simply wrote: "are you in a biology lesson," and we can't blame him. The person literally asked for it, so they must now live with the consequences of their actions.
A Spongebob Lookalike
The internet is flooded with Kim Kardashian crying memes, and honestly, we can see why. The reality star certainly has a very particular crying face which has resulted in some heated memes, including this one. Somehow, Kim's cry face reminded them of Spongebob SquarePants, and they just had to create a collage of it to prove their point. Honestly, the more we look at it the more we see the resemblance in their faces.
In fact, after seeing this one, we doubt that any of us will ever be able to look at either Spongebob or Kim and not think of the other. Hopefully, Kim takes this lightly.