This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
A Much-Wanted Tattoo
This person seriously wanted a tattoo that looked realistic and awesome. So, when he got the chance, he made sure the tattoo complimented his actual prosthetic.
It is so detailed, deep, and meaningful. Overall, it's perfect, and we absolutely loved it.
Insane Tattoo Work
We are completely blown away by the illusion here. It seems like this work is inspired by Escher's mind-bending graphic work.
Nevertheless, It is a brilliant job by the artist, and it deserves a lot of appreciation.
Masterful Shading
This person wanted to keep doing pieces like this one with the "old" tattoos, and the 3D tattoo artist did an excellent job.
Although this is the kind of tattoo that can make your stomach lurch a little bit, it truly boggles the mind. There should be a standing ovation for the artist for achieving the depth of it. Remarkable work!
Birdy Beautiful
Here is an embroidery tattoo that is becoming quite popular. Tattoo artists such as this one never cease to amaze us with their immense talent.
So, if you have never thought about getting a tattoo, perhaps this one might change your mind.
Lit Fingers
This is simply incredible work by the 3D tattoo artist. It is very existential and mind-bending for sure.
One can only imagine how incredibly painful it would be to get a tattoo such as this one.
Looks Legit
This type of 3D tattoo does look great until your mom forgets and puts you on a fast spin cycle, and who knows, she might iron you as well.
We just think it would've looked much better if it also had written "Made in [country's name]" Nevertheless, it is quite realistic, and it kind of gives a new meaning to the skin tag. What do you think about it?
Delight In The Beauty of a Butterfly
This beautiful butterfly tattoo reminds us of a quote by George Carlin, "The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity."
Do you know why we used the quote by George Carlin? Well, most people appreciated the tattoo but not many acknowledge the work of the artist.
Incredible Talent
Embroidery tattoos can take a lot of hard work and precision, and the quality of this tattoo speaks for itself.
By the way, the tattoo took about 12 hours to complete in two long sessions. You should definitely consider getting it.
Taking a Leap of Faith
Sometimes in life, all we need is a push. If we can't get it from others, we should try to do it ourselves.
This artist came up with a tattoo that looks so real and moving. We loved it!
It Is A "PawSome Cattoo”
This fantastic cat tattoo is genuinely astonishing as you can see, it pops off the skin, and looks so realistic.
The cat seems a bit worried, and this would be cool if the kitty were clinging to the scratched leg. Who knows what would happen when a dog spots it?
Definitely Worth The Wait
It must've taken hours to get this amazing tattoo that is so creative and imaginative. We are quite sure it must have taken multiple sessions to complete this.
It's a stunning piece of work that deserves applause. It is the work of a seriously committed person.
3D Blocks Tattoo
Just imagine walking down the street and seeing this impressive tattoo. You would probably do a double-take because it looks quite realistic.
Although it looks super impressive, we feel bad for the nurse who has to find his vein.
Wonderful Optical Illusion Tattoo
Is it just us who think that it looks like the infinity symbol in 3D? We just hope this person never takes a bus ride or a rollercoaster ride because the person behind them will get motion sickness.
If you look for more than 2 minutes at this tattoo, it will start moving.
Stich, Is That You?
It really looks like someone just stitch-ed it right on! We can be punny too.
We just love the attention to detail here and it looks super cute as well.
Shattered Glass Tattoo
This tattoo reminds us of a quote we read somewhere that said, “For loving me, You will have to collect all the broken and dispersed pieces of my soul.” As some incidents shatter our souls, this tattoo depicts a broken person who got his soul crushed.
Even if it is a scar cover-up, it is incredible work done by the tattoo artist.
A Tattoo For Scuba Divers
Scuba diving or deep-sea diving enthusiasts can feel the thrill by simply looking at this tattoo.
It looks almost fluorescent and it may have taken forever to complete.
The tattoo looks spectacular, but the last time we checked, the suit is supposed to go over the skin, and not under it.
Nevertheless, there is certain creativity to it that isn't spooky at all. Who knows, Marvel may get some inspiration from it.
Most Powerful Tattoo
Wow, what a great way to make something cool out of something that would otherwise be considered by some to be disfiguring.
This is a statement made by the artist that you can be anything in life, even a dolphin.
A Tattoo for An Avid Traveler
If you want to live a happy life, learn how to travel. After all, traveling is not about escaping life, it is about ensuring life doesn't escape from us.

It is pretty amazing. We loved this tattoo as it is cool and full of originality.
Into The Void
The person who wanted this tattoo must be a huge fan of space and wormholes.
Another observation of this tattoo is that it is a good self-harm cover-up. It is certainly a powerful tattoo.
Honey on A Skull Tattoo
This person completed this skull by working two days in a row on it. And the result is simply mind-blowing. We have become a fan of this artist.
The illusion of texture, contrast, saturation and line work are all spot on.
Anyone Want A Lollypop?
A first glance, you might think that he is holding a lollipop. After all, it looks quite realistic.
Imagine you fall,and a guy comes and tries to help you get up. You might think he had a lollipop to give you to make you feel better.
Inspired From Avengers?
It reminds us of that dialogue from Avengers: Infinity War in which Spiderman says, "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good."
However, this piece actually symbolizes the strength that is important to have if you want to free yourself from pain. It represents the inner power needed to free your mind and truly let go.
A Tattoo That May Trigger Trypophobia
So, Trypophobia is an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. It is a phobia that this tattoo can give to some people.
The artist did apologize if the tattoo creeps out some people, but we think it is quite cool. What are your thoughts on this one?
Does Our DNA Define Us?
We think that this tattoo is quite thought-provoking and kind of scary as well.
But it goes without saying that the artist did a wonderful job here. Let us know what you can deduce from this tattoo.
3D Pink Floyd Piece
One thing we can get out of this tattoo is that this person has an amazing taste in music and good knowledge of the legendary band.
You can see Jimi Hendrix in the tattoo because he toured with Pink Floyd in '67-'68.
Bad Ass Tattoo
The artist decided to take a progress shot of this amazing piece he started.
We absolutely loved it, but we have just one question: Is that his nose of his elbow? We can't figure it out.
Beautiful Flower Tattoo
This tattoo reminds us of a quote by Aaron Neville, "Be honest, be nice, be a flower not a weed."
We are really impressed here because the artist made sure the color choice really capitalizes on the existing skin color.
Breathtaking Work
As humans, we don't understand the importance of freedom and we are captured by our own fears which act as our shackles.
This tattoo shows how you can free yourself and we loved it. And just so you may know, we didn't think about the movie The Truman Show when we first saw this tattoo.
Got Hooked
This is a tattoo for all those people who can't live without fishing. The simplicity of the tattoo makes it more impressive.
By the way, this is how it feels like when you are hooked to something, right?
This Is An Incredible Concept
Salute to this artist for taking on a concept like that requires an incredible amount of detail to the piece.
The artist completed it after two sessions of 12 hours of work. The damper here is fully healed, and the background was made without any references. Amazing work by the artist!
Satisfying Tattoo
We don't know about you, but this tattoo has a pleasant vibe to it that is quite relaxing.
This is stunning but it must've hurt like hell. Well like they say, no pain, no gain.
Needle Tattoo
This may look like nothing, but it is the simplicity of the tattoo that makes it super impressive.
Of course, this is not a recommended tattoo for anyone who has a friend or family member with fear of needles. That's a straight-up No!
Genius Tattoo
It seems like this person always used to attend his class without any pen and the teacher always didn’t allow him to enter the class. So, he came up with this genius tattoo plan.
It looks good, but we are not sure anyone would borrow a pen from him anymore
Result of Straight 8 Hours of Work
The artist spent about 8 hours on the stencil to create this masterpiece and we absolutely loved it. This somehow shows a person as a puzzling piece on his/her own.
By the way, many people after seeing it were like, "OMG, Illuminati confirmed!!!"
Alien Among Humans
Here is a tattoo that can be taken two ways; it shows that there's an alien in a human's body.

Or, the other side of it shows that there can be demons inside a person and one shouldn't let them out. Impressive work by the tattoo artist!
‘My Eyes Are Up Here’
One thing can be said with certainty that this tattoo is a masterpiece. The visual effect is exquisite and it must have required mathematical precision.
It is a definite conversation starter. We are sure this woman won't mind if someone doesn't look into her eyes while talking.
What Is It?
Some may say that it looks like a baby rainbow because it doesn't have all seven colors or some may say that it looks like the top of a padlock. We would like you to think of it as art and nothing else.
Overall, it is quite impressive. We're pretty sure the tattoo artist wanted to depict some message through it.
Homer Simpson, You Beauty
Anyone who is a fan of The Simpsons can hear Homer's "woo-hoo" from this photo as well.
We really liked the realistic cap in combination with the embroidered homer.
Inner Demon
Despite what some people think that it looks like a tattoo of a burn victim, we feel that it is amazing.

This is a mixture of creepy and cool. But we are amazed at how the tattoo artist was able to make it look so realistic.
Goku Fan Dream Come True Tattoo
Most fans of Dragon Ball Z are always looking for tattoos that can depict their true love for the show.
This person was super happy when he got the help of an artist who used the 3D effect to create a perfect Goku tattoo.
A 3D Tattoo for Horror Movies Fans
Even crazy fans of horror movies would think twice before getting this tattoo.
Whoever got the tattoo, that person has gained our respect because it takes a lot of guts to have this tattoo.
Strangely Beautiful
There are things in life that seem complex and yet they have a certain beauty that cannot be explained in mere words.
This is one of the best tattoo arts you'd see out there. So, sit back and appreciate this highly impressive work.
Skynet's Plan
It seems like Skynet from Terminator started to create terminators with human skins.
If it happens, we just hope the first thing they wipe out is pineapples so that no one can put pineapples on pizza anymore.
Simply Gorgeous
Many people never even thought of getting a tattoo, but this one completely changed their minds.
It is so simple and yet it grabs your attention in a second. By the way, you got the tattoo idea now, so go for it.